Prayer is Essential

At some moment in your life, you will be in a situation that is bigger than you and you may find yourself asking God for help. You may even ask your Christian friend to pray for you. Sometimes, you may be so desperate in your situation want everyone you can find praying for you.

For the Christian, prayer is a part of everyday life. Some believers pray without ceasing; a constant communication with the God we learn to know, trust, and love.

Most of us are in the middle. we don't pray as much as we feel we should, but we do stop and ask God for help when we need it, and take a few minutes to thank Him when things go well.

Luke 5:16 So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.

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Speak with God.

Our mission at Prayer Pals is to encourage people to seek God. We have recently released a free app to encourage people to engage with God through prayer.

Prayer is simply talking to God. For many of us, it is asking for what we want, but it can be much deeper. Prayer Pals encourages sharing your needs with others and praying for others' needs. Praying for others can bring peace that passes understanding. Taking the focus off our needs can build a life of gratitude towards our Creator. 

Acts 12:5 Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.


App Features

* Keep track of your prayer list
* Share prayers with other like people in your groups
* Share prayers to everyone that has the app
* Share individual prayer requests to people that do not have the app through text or email
* Share answered prayers to encourage others
* Save your answered prayers to remember what God has done
* Pray for others 

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Philippians 1:4 Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy,

Prayer Pals is a mobile app that encourages us to pray for others. Our deepest need at the moment is commitment from people to pray. We expect this will never change. Consider making a commitment to praying for this ministry. We will not require you to sign up or send anything, just quietly with your door shut, pray for us. Pray that this becomes fruitful, pray that we are counted as worthy to be used by God to further His Kingdom, pray that people who are lost and broken find they can come to the Father and find a new life that they were intended to have. These are all things we can stand together in prayer for now. Once you download the app, please take time to read through the global prayers section and pray for people that post requests. We don't envision this as a Christian only app, but a place where people can reach out who are scared, or unsure about faith and they can come and learn to connect with their Creator as people are praying for them. 

Please join us.

If you wish to send us a message informing us that you are praying, or a word of encouragement, please email us:

Prayer is free and the app is free to download, use, maintain your prayer list, join prayer groups, share prayers globally, read answered prayer, and pray with your list.

Please pray about sponsoring and if you feel led to donate, you can send money through Paypal to by clicking the button below.
